A garden landscape should be a mixture of some softer elements such as plants and flowers and some hard elements such as rocks and pebbles. You can design a unique home outdoor area by creating a garden with rocks. Here are some creative ideas:
Make a River Rock Edge of a Garden Bed with Black Mulch and Colorful Plants

Make a Spilling Pot Rock Garden with Dual-Toned Rocks Surrounded by Larger Rocks

Design a Fun Spiral Garden with Rocks, Pebbles, and Gravel

Grab Some Patio Paints and Make a Rainbow Rock Garden

Design a Cute Fairy Rock Garden

Add a Fire Pit to The Rock Garden

Add a Wooden Garden Bridge Over The Rock Garden to Bring a Magical Touch

Add a Water Feature to The Rock Garden for a Zen Feel

Make a Rock Garden Under The Down Spout Above The Water Drainage

Design a Cactus Rock Garden