If your bedroom stays cluttered due to its small size, then it is the time to add storage to it. With the clever ideas below, small space will no more limit you from organizing your bedroom.
Swap The Nighstands with Corner Closets

Small bedrooms often have no space to spare for a closet. So, you can create two narrow closets at the sides of the bed.
Put Roll Out Storage Under The Bed

You can put any drawer or a tray on wheels and create easy roll-out storage under the bed. You can store your shoes, out of season clothes and toys in a kids’ room.
Put a Shallow Shelving Unit Behind The Door

Sometimes we need a shelving unit to store small items like books in a bedroom. So look for some space on the wall behind the bedroom door.
Build a Storage Frame for The Bed

You can make a loft bed with storage underneath using bookshelves from IKEA.
Install a Storage Headboard

You can replace the regular headboard of your bed with a storage headboard.