A small bedroom doesn’t have to be boring or empty as you can do so much to even a limited space. You can decorate it with multipurpose furniture or you can choose such design techniques that will make it look bigger. So, here are some ideas:
1. Focus on The Decor of The Walls and Include Accents such as Brick and Frames and Elaborate Them with Pendant Lights

Image via: magzhome
2. Flank The Bed with Symmetric Decor Elements Such as Wall Sconces, Picture Frames and Nightstands

Image via: thegritandpolish
3. If You Have No Closet You Can Create One with Just a Simple Metal Pipe Fixed on a Wall

Image via: hedgehog
4. For Window Treatment Hang Floor to Ceiling Curtains

Image via: hgtv
5. Install a Built in Platform Bed with Storage and a Work Desk

Image via: pinterest
6. Don’t be Afraid to Play with Patterns Just Because The Space is Limited

Image via: southernliving
7. Create an Illusion of a Wider Room with White Curtains

Image via: sortingwithstyle
8. Replace The Nightstand with a Vanity Table if You Are Thinking to Add One

Image via: weheartit
9. Put One or More Storage Drawers on Casters Under The Bed

10. Keep a Minimalist Approach Along a Light Color Palette

Image via: houseofturquoise