Whenever we see a butterfly, it brings an instant smile to our face. Imagine how fun and charming it would be to have many butterflies visit your garden every day? Butterflies are facing habitat loss due to the use of pesticides, so your home can become a butterfly sanctuary with a few simple steps.

First, you have to do some research and grow flowering plants in many types. Depending upon the season you are in, you can always choose seasonal flowers that have nectar for the flying flowers aka butterflies. With a variety of flowering plants, you can attract different species of butterflies into your garden and not just one. Different types of butterflies prefer different types of plants. It will be a good idea to do a little research and find out what species are common in the place where you live, and then buy the flowering plants accordingly.
Your garden can also ensure the growth of butterflies if the environment is suitable. Think of those plants where the butterflies can lay eggs. Then also add such plants on which the caterpillar thrives. Such plants are called host plants. The favorite type of plant of butterflies to lay eggs and nurture their larvae is milkweed. Butterflies also like nettle and vines for laying eggs.

Also, in the initial stages of growing a butterfly garden, only flowers might not attract any butterflies. So, you can start with creating garden baits of sugar syrup, fermented fruits, or sugar syrup mixed with yeast. While caring for the plants, avoid the use of any pesticides because they will kill the butterflies and won’t attract any new butterflies for laying eggs. Instead, you can look for some natural alternatives of pesticides that are friendly for the butterflies, their eggs, larvae, and the caterpillars.

Butterflies also love to spend time over damp surfaces. So you can make them a water bath with concrete and add just enough water so that the butterflies can sit and enjoy the cooling effects of water.

While you choose your plants, make sure you plant them where they can receive sunlight. Butterflies depend on sunlight so make sure you choose a good spot. Moreover, make sure your butterflies are safe from any attacks or harsh weather conditions because these are very delicate creatures. You can also build a small gazebo or a house similar to a bird house where butterflies can seek shelter in case they feel any danger.