The thrilling story about this laundry room starts with Ronda, mom of six kids who had very less space in her laundry room and working in that place was an utter chaos. So, Ronda along with her husband Les, designed a laundry room making the best use of the limited space. This design marvel features the washing machine and dryer stacked over each other along with sorting bins for each kid. Then it has three drying racks that are outfitted with a fan with a timer too. This is not all, the faux marble counter top that she designed adds even more style to the laundry area. This laundry room also has a hanging bar above the counter top that is between the washer and dryer and a storage cabinet. Then there is a fold-down ironing board that swivels too and surely steals the show. To add even more interest she installed a barn door to the laundry room. Most of the material used in this whole project is budget-friendly and can surely give you a design envy.