If you are making your living place from scratch, have you ever thought about making a puzzle from different colors to the floor, as an alternative of colorful carpets? Setting of a colorful floor could give a different spirit to the interior, and be very interesting and unusual.
It could be a great place for storytelling for the children, who would learn about the world from the very same ground.
You can put tiles in different colors on the floor, diagonal lines, flowers, or even write some powerful quote on the floor!
Another option is to engage designers or professional company to paint your floor and crate some interesting carpet-like image!

Carpet-like floor paint via Farrow&Ball

Painted stairs via Farrow&Ball
If you already have set your apartment and you’re not yet ready for renovating, you can play on the “Make-it-your-own” card and use a tape and make your own decoration to the floor. It could also be a vinyl floor tape that is used to mark the foul lines in gyms.

Tape floor via Rebecca June
If you are not fond of carpets, floor rugs, etc. and you don’t wan’t to wash them, this is an interesting option to have the monotony broken, and not care for that kind of stuff. Still, you have to think about the floor surface and it’s maintenance. Sometimes, the living and weather conditions are requiring carpets, and you can’t do anything about it, but to protect the surface!