The major color in your living room is the deciding factor of the ambient and the energy that is going to rule with the place. People often enjoy in different colors, not every color can suit everybody on the same way, since different colors react different at each person. Colors of the wallpaper are important for reflecting a particular energy that will be present in your living room. For instance, bright cold colors such as blue and green reflect pure energy and will fill your room with cheerful scent and eclectic, clear ambiance. In order to decide if the blue and green are the right suit for you we gathered couple of very creative wallpaper with this motifs.
1.Urban and Cheerful Blue Bicycle Wallpaper for Living Room
Deep blue matched with different colors of cute bicycles will provide you with super fun and creative living room. This living room is playful and bright so you can not resist to feel the nice and pleasant energy.
2.Romantic Blue Living Room Wallpaper Design
Great example of the perfect combination of color and form of the wallpaper. The blue floral wallpaper will provide your living room with eclectic and romantic note.
3.Modern Blue Art Wallpaper Living Room Design
The super cool artwork paint in blue will bring a super urban and modern note to your living room. This wallpaper has a clean foundation and sharp profound artwork.
4.Green and White Living Room Wallpaper Design
Perfect combination of blue and green typography will provide your room with urban and contemporary style.
5.Elegant and bright living room wallpaper design
The pastel blue wallpaper will provide your room with extra sophisticated and elegant note and yet the design of the wallpaper is cheerful and bright, thus this is the perfect wallpaper for elegant and yet urban living room.
6.Eclectic Green Living Room Wallpaper Design
Super cool and fresh green wallpaper will provide your living room with eclectic and sharp energy.
7.Blue Floral Living Room Wallpaper Design
Super romantic and classy blue floral wallpaper will provide your living room with eclectic and exotic note.