Breeze blocks blend well in a home whether it be indoor or outdoor. You can use them as screen dividers or build furniture for different parts of your home. When needed, these blocks can be used for storage purposes too. Here are some ideas.
You Can Build a Magazine Worthy Kitchen Island for The Indoor or Outdoor Kitchen

Breeze Blocks Encased in Wood Can Make Gorgeous Staircase Railing

Bring Elegance to The Front Facade

Put a Wooden Bar Table Table Over Breeze Blocks to Make an Outdoor Spot

Create an Edge for Your Garden with a Breeze Block Fence

Build an L-Shaped Bench and Put a Cushion Over It to Make It Comfy

Add Privacy To Your Patio with a Screen Block Wall

Use Breeze Blocks as a Divider for an Open Plan Space

USe Breeze Blocks to Make a Shelving Unit

Make a Booze Rack