Imagine you get back home from work and have a relaxing place that is interesting enough to look forward to. Your bed is that place where you relax after a tiresome day and if a bed is of a kind like a circular bed you will for sure love to relax in it. So here you go for some cozy beds with circular form…
Via: poltronafrau
1. Poltrona Frau
This bed is named as ‘Lullaby’ by its designer as it is for sure going lo lull you in its coziness. This bed is covered with fine quality leather.
Via: somersfurniture
2. Somers Furniture
The first bed has beautiful fabrics contrasting in green and pink hues. The second bed is in white that has a tufted headboard. Both these beds will be a great addition to your outdoors.
Via: sabaitalia
3. Saba Italia
This one is a bed that is made with modules of sofas combined together that can also be placed separately like four sofa seats.
Via: avetexfurniture
4. Avetex Furniture
This bed in round shape features two drawers to serve as storage and it has a corner made at one side that can be set in any corner of your room. This bed will cost you $3,299.
Via: presottoitalia
5. Presotto Italia
This bed has a two in one feature that is it has a mattress in square shape where as the platform is in round shape and for this reason it is named as ‘Round Bed Zero’.
Via: basicelegancefurnishings
6. Basic Elegance Furnishings
This bed with a heightened circular design can turn a favourite of kids with its vibrant red colour at the sides and headboard. This bed’s price starts at £1050.
Via: furniseur
7. Furniseur
This bed has a very beautiful design in white with a headboard that is slightly curved adding a touch of class to it. If you would like this to be a part of your room , you can have it for $150.
Via: gobbosalotti
8. Gobbo Salotti
This bed is named a ‘Florence’ and features a circular design with split headboard. This one in the picture is in cream fabric and is available in other colour options too.