Do you love reading books? Are you in search of an exceptional bookcase? Then here are such bookcases that will make you think of having one…
Via: Al 2698
1. AL 26.98
This is a stunning bookshelf will a look of a tree rising from ground. Its trunk is made up of aluminium.It is named a ‘Fagus’.
Via: Joel Escalona
2. Joel Escalona
This amazing bookshelf takes its inspiration from the helix structure of a DNA.It is a free standing bookcase with a variety of colours available for your choice.It is named as ‘MYDNA’.
Via: Solovyov Design
3. Solovyov Design
This is a bookshelf with a lot of fun thing. It is available in different parts that be arranged to make the shape of your choice. This is called as ‘Pinta’.
Via: Faktura Design
This bookcase named as V is a chic up-to-date bookcase. It will be a gorgeous addition to your house with its angled design. Its cost is $1,400.
Via: Horm
This modular bookshelf is known as ‘Sinapsi’. It takes its inspiration from the impulses generated by brain cells. Wow! now this is a scientific way of getting inspired.
Via: Olivier-Dolle
6. Olivier Dolle
This stupendous bookshelf is a tree branch extended over a wall and is for sure going to be a bash. It is available in three shades of wood which are Oak colourless, American walnut and Black stained. Are you thinking to grab a branch?
Via: Nonah
This bookcase known as ‘Salamandre’ is going to be adored by your kids. This vibrant bookcase is available in 7, 5 and 3 modules variety. A 7 module bookcase will cost you 895,00€
Via: Bihain
8. Michael Bihain
This bookshelf is a true jaw dropper. It is truly knowledge mounted on a wheel. It is available in different brilliant colours.