Do you get annoyed when your attention is caught by the big black box in your living room? Well, you can use it as a guide to decorate around it. Here are some ideas so that you can make the TV wall more presentable.
Pick A Colorful Wallpaper So That The Attention Goes Away From The Black Color Of The Screen

Make The TV A Part Of The Gallery Wall By Adding a Frame Around It

Make A Space Within The Built-In Storage Wall Of The Living Room

Install Wood Floating Shelves At The Sides That Have LED Lights at The Underside

Add Two Hanging Lantern Wall Sconces If Your TV Screen Is Above The Fireplace

Paste a Wall Decal Around The Flat Screen

Flank The Flat Screen With Symmetrical Picture Frames

Likewise, You Can Install Symmetrical Bookcases at Both The Sides Of The TV Screen

Build A Traditional Style Wooden Hutch Around The Flat Screen

Surround The TV Screen With a Shiplap Board Wall

Decorate Around The TV With Ceiling Medallions

Add Barn Doors At The Sides Over a Railing

Decorate With Laser Cut Framed Panels

Border The TV Screen With Flower Vases

Decorate With Mirrors At The Sides