The beauty of art lies in its sheer diversity, the multitude of hues to be chosen from, canvases large and small, the stories it narrates and inevitably, the contentment it provides. Therefore, everyone deserves to reside within a place where art is hung up, blanketing a person’s space with the exquisiteness of it. Utilizing art to decorate one’s home can seldom turn out disappointingly and yet, to ensure the result is highly satisfactory, mentioned below are certain infallible ways to decorate your home. Amongst these are suggestions such as involving another person while hanging up artwork, being mindful of where it is being placed, bringing about personal touches and planning, alongside a few others.
- Utilize forgotten spaces:
There are often several places within one’s house that are left uncovered where it concerns decoration. People tend to overlook spaces such as the staircase, area within the kitchen, or perhaps even a couple of walls that are in open view. Decorating certain areas and leaving others bare makes the overall effect unattractive rather than if the entire place were left undecorated.
Thus, it is important to utilize what artwork one desires and ensure that meaning is added to every little aspect of one’s house instead of relying on the assumption that it might go unnoticed. Most people are content in the belief that it is only placed such as the dining or living rooms which should be decorated and yet, it should often not be the case.
- Make it personalized:
Utilizing personal objects such as photographs, certificates, and graduation caps (amongst several other items) effectively acts as artwork except doing as such provides a more homely feeling to your place as well. This can be done in a multitude of simple ways; for example, hanging up Polaroid pictures and stringing fairy lights through them comes across as quite beautiful. Additionally, it is exceedingly cost-effective in contrast to purchasing artwork which brings no personal touch to your home.
- Planning in advance:
Purchasing pieces of artwork without having visualized the overall effect they would have, or where they must be placed causes the decoration within one’s home to come across as muddled and unappealing. Therefore, it is vital to plan and visualize what pieces of artwork should be hung up alongside where they must be placed. Additionally, buyers must ensure they are purchasing something following how it would look within their residence, rather than based on a desire to own it.
- The concept of a photo wall:
A photo wall involves hanging up multiple pictures on a single wall within a particular arrangement. Doing so creates a stunning backdrop for places such as the living area, or even outdoor spaces such as the porch. However, it should be kept in mind that building a photo wall must be carefully planned since the images are often placed in a manner which appears easy to carry out, yet typically involve thorough consideration.
- Pay heed to what is being used:
Even though the art being hung up is the ultimate showstopper, people often forget that adequate items must be used to do so. Utilizing things such as nails and screws damages the walls whilst being unable to carry artwork which is heavier and larger than others. Thus, in such a scenario, picture-hanging hooks should be used due to their ability to carry much bigger frames an pieces of artwork, some as large as a hundred pounds as well. Similarly, prints on canvas should be utilized to create a livelier, more realistic effect where it concerns pieces of art which comprise of humans, animals (etc.). If a normal frame were used in the same situation, especially on a bright wall, it would come across as mundane while simultaneously blending in with the backdrop.
- Accept that it is not a solo act:
Hanging up artwork might appear as an uncomplicated, simple task. However, a single person would be unable to ensure it is at eye-level, is not tilting towards one side and aligns with the other pieces (amongst several other tasks). Thus, while decorating your home, it is obligatory to have someone standing behind you and directing your actions, specifically when nails or screws are being used. If another person were not present in a situation like this, the artwork would have to be removed, causing excessive damage to one’s walls and surroundings.
- Creating a visual balance:
Keeping an open mind and chasing what ultimately looks the best is of utmost importance. As such, people must ensure they are not simply placing all the larger art pieces with the other larger ones and in turn, the smaller pieces with others of a similar size. Moreover, acts such as hanging up a small piece of art amidst an empty wall would come across as highly distasteful. Thus, the person must be mindful of elevating the artwork by, for example, placing it within a larger frame to create a more balanced effect.