Yellow is the color of the Sun. It energizes, boosts confidence, and lifts up the mood. Depending upon how this color affects you, you can include a lot of it, or just a few hints in your bedroom to reap the benefits. Here are some ideas.
Paint One Wall of The Bedroom with Mustard or Any Other Warm Tone of Yellow

Coordinate The Bedding and The Curtains in The Same Shade of Sunshine

Put a Pillow or Two and See The Difference in The Mood of The Decor

Bring Cheer with a Yellow Nightstand That You Can Coordinate with The Blanket

If There is Free Floor Space Cover It with a Yellow Rug with a White Print

Add Life to The Bedroom with a Yellow Headboard

If You Have an Upholstered Bed Bench Then Wrap It in a Yellow Fabric

Put a Yellow Table Lamp on The Nightstand That Will Spread Joy

Create a Bedroom Reading Nook with a Yellow Chair

Cover Bedroom Walls in a Pale Yellow Wallpaper That Has a Balance Created with a White Print

Paint The Ceiling in a Soft Shade of Yellow

Introduce Touches of Yellow with Decorative Accessories

Mix Yellow with Gray

Keep The Bedroom Simple and Pull Focus with a Yellow Bed Frame

If Your Bedroom Has a Fireplace Mantel Then Paint It Yellow