What can be more refreshing than eating strawberries picked straight from your garden? They will be fresher than even the farmer’s market right? With a little effort, you can grow your own strawberries. Here are some ideas.
Grow Strawberries In Straw Bales If You Have Enough Ground Area Or Grow Vertically In A Straw Filled Shed

Drill Round Holes In A PVC Pipe For Making A Vertical Strawberry Planter

You Can Also Make A Vertical Planter Of Strawberries With Pallet Wood

Build A Tiered Strawberry Planter From Exterior Grade Wood

Convert A Laundry Basket Into A Strawberry Planter

If You Want To Make A Wall Mounted Planter You Can Grow Strawberries In An IKEA Bin Liner Dispenser

Grow In Planter Baskets

Grow Them In Cinder Blocks