To make this beehive you will require kinder surprise eggs or yellow ping pong balls, black pipe cleaners, hot glue gun, TP rolls, thin crafting wire, glue and black permanent marker. Start by making a cut in the TP roll along its height. Open it flat and then make folds in it as shown in step 1. Then cut its strips and glue the edges of the strips together to become the hexagonal structures like in a honeycomb. Glue the hexagons together to become a beehive. Then to make the bees make three rings of pipe cleaner around a kinder surprise egg and secure with hot glue gun. Make the antenna and legs too and stick them with hot glue gun. Make more bees and tie the upper part of each bee with thin crafting wire. Make the eyes and face of the bees with marker and tie the wires of the bees to the beehive. Hang this artwork in your kids room and they will love it.