Mosaic tiles not only look beautiful, they also give you the freedom to make your own designs in so many ways. You can either go for transition of colors, or create patterns like flowers, trees, or even animals. So, take a look at some mosaic tile projects that you can try around your home and make it artistic.
Decorate The Stair Risers with Mosaic Tiles That Match The Color of The Wall

Give a Makeover to a Wooden Tray with Multicolored Mosaic Tiles

Spice Up The Look of an Old Table by Creating Mosaic Tile Patterns Over It

Transform a Boring Plain White Lampshade with Mirrored Mosaic Tiles

Create Creative Planters with Mosaic Tiles

Decorate The Cement Bench in Your Garden if You Have One

Create a Birdbath with a Terracotta Dish and Mosaic Tiles

Make Mosaic Stepping Stones with Concrete Pavers, Broken Tiles, and Glass Gems

Make Coasters for Your Table with Small Terracotta Saucers and Mosaic Tiles, Which You Can Also Fill with Epoxy Resin Afterwards

Create a Mosaic Tile House Number on a Picture Frame

Decorate Empty Liquor Bottles with Mosaic Tiles and Fill Them In with Lights to Make Lanterns

Bring Color to a Plain And Boring Picture Frame

Make a Coat Rack with Mosaic Tiles and a Wooden Frame