As soon as the month of October starts, the first thing that pops in the mind is none other than pumpkins. While it is enjoyable to enjoy a cup of pumpkin spice latte, it is equally enjoyable to include some handmade pumpkins into your home decor.
Wrap Styrofoam Balls with Yarn in Beige, Orange, and Grayish Navy Color

Upcycle an Old Jeans by Cutting Stripes and Then Use a Glue Gun to Wrap a Pumpkin

Soak Orange Twine in White Glue, Wrap Around Water Balloons, Pop and Decorate with Green and Brown Craft Pipe Cleaners

Create Pumpkins with Painted, Washi Taped, or Regular Canning Jar Lids

Paint Glass Bottles Orange and Then Decorate Them with Jute Twine and Artificial Leaves

Take a Wood Slice, Paint It, And Glue a Leaf or Two

Try Something New by Making Spun Cotton Pumpkins
Make Pumpkins with Paper

You can also use a cricut machine if you have one.
Make Pinwheels of Twine or Yarn and Then Glue Them to Cover a Styrofoam Ball

The same idea will work well if you decorate a plastic pumpkin with these swirls instead of covering them fully.
Craft Pom Pom Pumpkins