Halloween is nearing and you may be short of ideas to decorate your home. You can get ideas online and see what you can do this Halloween to decorate your surroundings. You can craft little things that can spook people in crazy ways and is fun to make too. Extend a ghostly greeting to all the visitors to your house with these little ideas.

1. Image Source: Digs Digs
You can make creative Halloween decorative using things that are available around your house only. You can make decorations for your indoors and outdoors in cheap and inexpensive ways.

2. Image Source: Digs Digs
According to your taste, you might like something really spooky to scare people who visit your place or go with simple and cute little Halloween craft that brings a smile on people face. Whichever way you choose to have your Halloween decoration, there are ideas for everyone.

3. Image Source: Digs Digs
You can carve a pumpkin either in a spooky way or in a cute manner. You can make Halloween banners for your front door or porch to greet the visitors. If you are not someone who wants to get into all the fuss, you can use the typical Halloween colours in your upholstery to mark the day.

4. Image Source: Digs Digs
You can make fun looking wreaths out of stuff available at home. There is no steadfast rule into making these wreaths. You can use natural elements to make something really unique. You can use autumn colours to do your porch or living room.

5. Image Source: Digs Digs
You can use candles, candy jars and old vineyard to do your mantle piece. You can light up pumpkin heads at night to cast an effect in your lawn. You can even hand paint or spray paint your pumpkins and arrange these in any corner in your front yard.

6. Image Source: Digs Digs
You can even create a graveyard effect in your porch making little tombstones and canopies out of net.

7. Image Source: Digs Digs
You can make a nice arrangement with beautiful corner pieces at your entrance. You can use pottery in Halloween colours and use lampshades to give a nice effect. Pumpkins in all sizes have nice decorative potential. You can use these in many ways to make Halloween decoration. You can even get ideas from the internet.

8. Image Source: Digs Digs
Other ideas may include making spiders out of Styrofoam or hardboard and painting these. Flower arrangements can be made using black pots and vases. The colour of flowers should be inspired by the autumn season. You can arrange pumpkins and candles on your staircase. You can use mirrors, candles and pumpkins to create a beautiful corner anywhere around the house.

9. Image Source: Digs Digs
If still you want easier ways to make Halloween decorations at home you can simply make holes in pumpkins and light these up to glow in the dark at night.

10. Image Source: Digs Digs