Wallpapers are a decorating element in the room, which are used very frequently. They used to be in fashion in the past and nowadays are still trendy. To find and apply the most suitable wallpaper type in every room in your home is an ability, which requires some knowledge about interior design and style. Here I am going to offer you some ideas how to decorate every room in your home, depending on its style and design. The great wallpaper design ideas I present to you will give you an inspiration how to refresh your home and make it more stylish.
The decoration in every room should be done according to its style, design and the colours of furniture and the other items in it. For example in your bedroom you can apply a wallpaper with a floral feature. In your living room and hallway is appropriate to be used a wallpaper with geometric shapes. In the kids’ room a wallpaper with some animation heroes can be used.
You can create greater influence with your wallpaper, if you choose to apply it on a wall which hasn’t got any windows or doors. The wallpaper can have some pattern – floral, animal or geometric, whatever you decide. If you paint the rest of the walls in the room in the same colour like the background of the wallpaper, the room will be stylishly decorated and the whole impact will be focused on the wallpapered wall.
If your room hasn’t got many decorating accessories, on which to focus the attention, you can create such effect with the right wallpaper. Wallpapers with bolder colours and design can create a wonderful style in simple, less decorated rooms. Your bedroom, which should create some comfort, peace and serenity for you, can be decorated with a black and white wallpaper with a soft design. Vivid and gaudy colours aren’t appropriate for this room. It is also inappropriate and not recommended to apply wallpapers by yourself. Use professional wallpapering services to ensure the great final result and avoid many headaches.
In your front foyer you can create a stylish design, which will impress visitors and guests. Use a wallpaper in the same colour and style, in which are the rest of the objects and furniture in it. Geometric shapes and figures with a smaller print in black and white are very suitable for elegant and strict lobby designs in the same tonality.
In the room, where your whole family gathers like the dining room, geometric shaped prints for a wallpaper in light blue is a very successful choice. It will create a friendly and nice atmosphere. Instead of using pastel coloured wallpapers for your kids’ room, you can choose a wallpaper in a neutral background and playful pattern. This wall decoration will be suitable for his/her room even when he/she grows up.
A room in neutral style with wooden furniture and traditional design can be refreshed with a modern wallpaper with graphic pattern in light blue, grey or other colours. If you want to be bold and create greater changes in the style of your room, turquoise is a nice option for wallpapers. To avoid the effect of your walls to seem a little out of place, paint the door, furniture and chairs in the same or similar colour shade to match the whole room.
In your bedroom a floral wallpaper is suitable for refreshing it. For bolder effect you can use a navy blue wallpaper in some attention- focusing print to make a room more attractive. Wallpapers with animated design are appropriate for just one wall of a nursery to avoid making it look too overwhelmed. Wallpapers with animal print are very appropriate for kids’ rooms. For hallways, wallpapers with geometric patterns are very appropriate. They can create certain effect, making the hallway look larger or longer than it actually is. The colour and pattern is up to your choice and preferences.
These great wallpaper design ideas, we offered you above can, help you decorate every room in your home. You can use them as an inspiration to make each room look the way you want it. Depending on the style, design and furniture in every room, the wallpaper should match the whole interior. The main rule is that if your room has too many decorating elements, the wallpaper should be more simple and neutral. If your room has not many accessories and objects and the furniture is more neutral, you can be brave and focus the attention with a vivid wallpaper in it.