Nature’s creations have a power of adding a sense of tranquility to the place where they exist. Same is the case with water. Water looks beautiful and that is why today we have brought for you some water feature ideas here…
Via: secretgardens
1. Secret Gardens
This water feature is having a wall through which water is cascading down into a small pool that is surrounded by glass walls.
Via: joelloblaw
2. Joel Blaw
This water feature is having a design in two levels and the water from the upper level is pouring into the lower level. Due to its presence in front of the house , it is increasing its beauty.
Via: secretgardens
3. Secret Gardens
This water feature is in the form of a large ceramic bowl placed over a bed of stones and is having water inside.
Via: rugoraff
This water feature is a frame like structure that is having stones inside and then filled with water. Its overall look is pretty nice.
Via: urbanjobe
This one is having three levels at the side of a patio and the water is flowing from the first to the second and ultimately to the third. The levels between which the water is flowing are also planted with water growing plants and the combination of flowing water with plants is fantastic.
Via: rollingstonelandscapes
6. Rolling Stone Landscapes
Now this water feature is a true marvel. It is having a wall with a circular hole and a spout that is pouring water over a rock below. The whole setting of this water feature is amid a garden.
Via: castanes
This water feature is inspired from the rain. It is having a frame out of which water is pouring down. If you get this installed in your garden then every day will be a rainy day!
Via: platinumpoolcare
8. Platinum Pools
Sometimes you really want a totally smashing idea like this one. While you are planning for a water feature why not add some fire to it at the same time like this one. This water feature with such a unique design is having fire above and water coming out from the bottom falling into the pool.