Even if you are choosing all white bedrooms, you can still add a little bit of colour and style through your bedroom accessories. This is something that is easily forgotten because when you think of light décor you can instantly think it’s the wrong option. However, it can be the right option for you especially when it comes to making a room look clean, fresh and updated.

1. Image Source: Trendir
You can easily add lovely pictures, clocks, and art work to your walls and add your furniture in the room to really make it stand out. You will be able to have so much fun with your décor. What is more, all white bedrooms and white décor are very popular today. White wallpaper or paint does not detract away from the lovely accessories in your bedroom.

2. Image Source: Details & Design
It can be a fantastic way to make your bedroom stand out and it can be a simple way to decorate also. You can easily put on one or two coats of paint or one roll of wall paper and you can take less than a day to do this. This is why more and more people today are looking for all white bedrooms and white décor is just a lovely and simple way to decorate today.

3. Image Source: Home Arc
If you are struggling with a decoration budget then you do have to be practical. You can’t spend money if you don’t have it and to be honest, all white bedrooms can offer a simple decoration solution. You can easily go over this colour if marks appear on the walls and it doesn’t cost a lot of money either.

4. Image Source: Ezpong
You can pick up white paint or wall paper for next to nothing nowadays which is amazing especially if you are on a tight decorating budget. You don’t however need to spend a great deal of money and remember, even if you are choosing white paint or wall paper you can always add your accessories. You can rely on your accessories in order to brighten up a bedroom.

5. Image Source: Bitque
If you are worried that white is too easily marked or won’t bring enough diversity in your bedroom, don’t worry. Remember, you can add wall art, pictures, little accessories and all sorts in your room which can really help to add colour and make the room stand out. You don’t need to go overboard with white and you can easily clean the walls which work out very well for children’s bedrooms also.

6. Image Source: Decoration Trend